Paul Tucker sent me these fine, but mis-labled, Hunzinger settee and chairs. You can still get them off of Ebay if you hurry!. Thanks Paul!
George Hunzinger Furniture
George Hunzinger was a furniture maker during the later half of the 19th century. He emigrated to the United States in 1855 and began manufacturing furniture in New York City. Like his contemporary furniture makers of the Victorian Age, Hunzinger's pieces are very decorative. What is unique about his furniture is the innovative and distinctive designs he patented. This site contains information and photo's of Hunzinger's work.
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Reclining chair at Antique Hunter
I got a message from Antique-Hunter, they have a Hunzinger reclining chair that is in simply pristine condition. It is definitely worth a visit to the site to check out the rest of the pictures.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Impressive webbed rocker
This rocker is soooo awesome! The patented webbing appears to be in fairly good shape. One thing that is interesting is that the rocker doesn't use the patented springs. I don't know if this was made before Hunzinger invented his spring system. As of right now, there is still 23 hrs left on the auction. Check it out here:
Drop Arm Sette
Wow! You don't see these very often (my first time, actually). This drop arm settee was listed at $1,450 on ebay, but did not sell, so look for it in the future. You might also find it at Chatsworth-Auction-Rooms.
"Very fine and rare antique Victorian era George Hunzinger "Lollipop" drop arm settee ~ bench, c.1860, not marked. Having 25 stick & ball "Lollipop" spindles on rear with 8 flat topped spindles on the drop arms all strung together with a hidden brass rod. Single ball top finial arm support and standing on shaped Cabriole style legs with brass casters. Simple loose seat cushion. Older repairs to frame and seat board. Original finish with nice worn patina. Measures 40 inches wide X 34 1/2 inches high at rear."
"Very fine and rare antique Victorian era George Hunzinger "Lollipop" drop arm settee ~ bench, c.1860, not marked. Having 25 stick & ball "Lollipop" spindles on rear with 8 flat topped spindles on the drop arms all strung together with a hidden brass rod. Single ball top finial arm support and standing on shaped Cabriole style legs with brass casters. Simple loose seat cushion. Older repairs to frame and seat board. Original finish with nice worn patina. Measures 40 inches wide X 34 1/2 inches high at rear."
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Hunzinger Chair
A reader just sent in this fine Hunzinger chair. It appears to be in fantastic condition. I always enjoy posting these. Thanks again for sending the photo!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Not a Hunzinger!
The Rare Victorian website (awesome) has an article up on the proper identification of some spiral legged furniture that is frequently claimed to be Hunzinger, but which is actually produced by the Merklen brothers. It is a great article with a handful of Hunzinger pictures. Definitly check it out.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Get this catalog
This is just a reminder for myself:
Get the: 1880 "Catalogue and price list of Patent Folding Chairs"
Surely Google will have scanned the stupid thing by now...
Get the: 1880 "Catalogue and price list of Patent Folding Chairs"
Surely Google will have scanned the stupid thing by now...
Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Rocker Mystery
What we have here is a Hunzinger platform rocker that appears to be in pristine condition. It is a great piece from which to observe some of the finer details of Hunzingerness that can be found on many of his pieces. One thing caught my eye though. There is some sort of brace in the arm of the chair which I have not seen in any of his other chairs. It appears to be a wooden brace with a metal rod inside the brace. Could it have been added later to provide additional support to an old and "rickety" chair?
Friday, September 17, 2010
Hunzinger Sofa?
What we have here is a sofa listed as "in the style of" Hunzinger. Now note how it has nearly identical decorations as the piece I listed yesterday as being a Hunzinger set. However, if you research enough antiquing blogs, you will find out that back in the day, one could just buy those ornamentation, so they might be used by any manufacturer. But, regardless of whom made the sofa, it is quite nice.
IDK, the more I look at it, the more Hunzeresque it does appear...
IDK, the more I look at it, the more Hunzeresque it does appear...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Hunzinger Parlor Set
Antiquarin Traders is selling an American Rosewood parlor set by George Hunzinger c. 1885. The set includes a sofa, two armchairs, and four side chairs. Needless to say, it is insane awesome, and if I had 15 grand laying around, they would be in our house.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hunzinger Platform Rocker with "circles"?
Ok. I don't mean to flood this site with platform rockers, but here is another interesting one. It has a fairly common spindle design, but is accompanied by strange little posts with circular wooden ornamentation. In addition, it has a great shot of the paper patent mark that was included on many of the later chairs. As that paper is now well over 100 years old, you have to give a lot of credit to whomever was mixing the glue!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Hunzinger Rocker
This platform rocker appears to be in excellent condition. Most interesting is that I haven't seen this particular spindle shape before. Always nice to see something different! Cheers!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Hunzinger Table - Candle Stand
Here is another one of those tripod candle stands that is frequently listed as being a Hunzinger. This person claims that it is in Harwood's Hunzinger book. If any Hunzinger fans out there would let me know, I would be most appreciative. (I can't quite bring myself to spring $200 to buy the text as of yet.)
Layout Change
I haven't posted in a while, so when I stopped in to put up a few new items, I saw that Google had added a new template. Let me know if any of my dear loyal readers hate it. Oh, and I have a few chairs I will be posting this week. Cheers!
Monday, March 08, 2010
Double Writing Arm Chair
This pattented double writing arm chair by George Hunzinger looks to be a treasure. Right now it is listed for $2500 on eBay. The piece is pattened in 1899 and is found in the Harwood book on Hunzinger.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Hunzinger Rocker with Steel Webbing
This rocker has the patented steel webbing that is rarely found. It appears to be in great condition and is being sold on eBay for $4500.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Hunzinger Sofa

Rare Victorian just posted an article on this beautiful sofa recently sold at auction. Check out the article.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Two Side Chairs
Pair of George Hunzinger New York faux bamboo Rosewood chairs. Signed and dated 1869.
Signed "Hunzinger NY Pat. March 30 1869". Faux bamboo open work frames with medallion backs. Museum coded.
”Overlook Mansion”, which was designed by famed architect Archimedes Russell. Built during America’s ”Gilded Age” between 1886 and 1890 for Inventor – Industrialist David Burrell.
19.5" x 31.5".
Both in fine condition. Original finish. The seats and medallion centers are upholstered (upholstery later).
Overlook Mansion, 1 Overlook Dr., Little Falls, New York.

These museum quality pieces with provenance were listed on eBay for over $3000, but did not sell. Thanks for the link Christa!
Signed "Hunzinger NY Pat. March 30 1869". Faux bamboo open work frames with medallion backs. Museum coded.
”Overlook Mansion”, which was designed by famed architect Archimedes Russell. Built during America’s ”Gilded Age” between 1886 and 1890 for Inventor – Industrialist David Burrell.
19.5" x 31.5".
Both in fine condition. Original finish. The seats and medallion centers are upholstered (upholstery later).
Overlook Mansion, 1 Overlook Dr., Little Falls, New York.

These museum quality pieces with provenance were listed on eBay for over $3000, but did not sell. Thanks for the link Christa!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Weathered Chair
Monday, November 23, 2009
This rocker with pattented steel webbing is listed at $700 on eBay now. Although the fabric is a bit worn, the chair looks to be in good condition. With a little cleaning and some new upholstery, it would make a fine addition to your living room.
The patent is from April 18, 1876 and is for the steel webbing for the seat and back of the rocker.

The patent is from April 18, 1876 and is for the steel webbing for the seat and back of the rocker.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009
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